Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Federalist Paper #51

Federalist Paper # 51 states the appropriate system of checks and balances that can be created in government that also aims for a separation of powers within the national government. This means that the legislative, executive and judicial branches all have equal power. This helps to contain an equal government. The purpose of #51 is to form a more correct judgement of the structure of government planned by the Constitutional Convention. The system of checks and balances controls tyranny while still leaving a government that fulfills the needs of the people because not one branch of government is too powerful.
I do agree that the checks and balances system was a great improval for government. It helped maintain the separate branches of government, and to protect the rights of the people. From reading both Federalist Papers #10 and #51, I concluded that we’re not democratic to the extent where the people vote on every issue, but the people do have some sort of say I guess.

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